Frequently Asked Questions

Do you plan to close the most upstream outlet into Otter Tail Lake (aka Outlet #2)?

No.  There is very little public support to close the outlet into Otter Tail Lake.  The Otter Tail River is a named water of the U.S. and is under the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers jurisdiction.  Even if there was public support, obtaining the necessary permit required by the federal government, specifically the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 404 permit, would be a monumental task which would take several years and cost millions.

What work are you planning to perform on the river?

A few major items of work that we are contemplating are, dredging shallow areas, vegetation removal and constructing rock jetty's on both outlets into Otter Tail Lake.  Details of the work to be performed and specifications will be completed by our Engineering Consultant and will be dependent on environmental permitting and funding.  

What is your planned sequence of construction?

We will rely on the advice of our Engineering Consultant based on their studies and expertise sequencing the work to be done.

How will you know the construction work is being performed correctly?

After design, our Engineering consultant will continue to be retained to assure the work performed is according to their plans and specifications.

How will the design and construction be paid for?

We expect that our funding streams for the necessary include membership dues, major donations, grants and public agencies.  All of which are critical to the success of the project.    

How do I get involved?

The first step is to join OTRM by going to this link and completing the form and payment.  Another route is to email us at

How long will the project take?

There are several unknowns at this point.  We expect to have design completed by mid 2024 and apply for the necessary permits.  Permit approval will likely take at least a year and could take two years.  Construction will immediately follow permit approval and will progress as funding allows.     

How much will the construction cost?

We are currently working on quantifying and applying indicative pricing for our perceived scope of work.

Can I legally remove the vegetation near my property?

Property owners interested in removing vegetation should review the MnDNR regulations.  Those regulations can be found here

How do I give?

All donations and memberships are administered through West Central Initiative. This link will take you there WCI